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The history of period products: from rags to modern-day tampons

The history of period products: from rags to modern-day tampons

For centuries, women have had to find ways to manage their menstrual periods with little to no support from modern medical technologies. In the past, women used whatever was available, from rags to plant fibers, to manage their periods.

In ancient times, women used wool, grass, and even animal skins as makeshift menstrual products. Later on, women began using reusable cloth pads and belts to manage their periods. These cloth pads were washed and reused over and over again.

The first disposable menstrual pad was invented in 1896 by a New York woman named Johnson. Her invention was made from wood pulp, and it was called the "Lister's Towel." It was a huge success, and it paved the way for modern-day disposable pads.

In the early 20th century, tampons were invented as a more discreet alternative to pads. The first commercial tampon was introduced in 1933, and it was made from a blend of cotton and rayon. Tampons were initially met with resistance and controversy, but they eventually became more accepted as women's attitudes towards menstruation changed.

Today, there are a wide variety of period products available, from pads and tampons to menstrual cups and period underwear. Women have more options than ever before, and companies continue to innovate and improve upon existing products to make menstruation more manageable and comfortable.

Despite the progress made in the development of period products, many women still face barriers to accessing affordable and sustainable products. Activists continue to push for more equitable access to period products and education around menstruation.